HARRISBURG – Senate President Pro Tempore Kim Ward (R-39), Senate Majority Leader Joe Pittman (R-41), Senate Majority Appropriations Chair Scott Martin (R-13), Senate Majority Whip Ryan Aument (R-36), Senate Majority Caucus Chair Kristin Phillips-Hill (R-28), Senate Majority Caucus Secretary Camera Bartolotta (R-46), Senate Majority Policy Chair Dan Laughlin (R-49) and Senate Majority Caucus Administrator Lisa Baker (R-20), today issued the following statement on workplace harassment:
“The Senate Republican Caucus is steadfast in our commitment to foster safe communities, including the institution of the Senate. Ensuring Senate employees and those who interact with the Senate are protected, has been, and will remain paramount to the effective functioning of our chamber. Whether internal or external, harassment complaints are all handled in the same manner.
“The Senate has a longstanding bi-partisan Senate Committee on Management Operations (COMO) policy in place, which provides for harassment complaints to be made. Every credible complaint is independently investigated before recommendations for action are received by both Republican and Democrat leaders.
“Today, we make it clear for our employees, and anyone who interacts with our chamber, that we understand the seriousness of harassment and respect those who voice complaints.”
Media Contact: Kate Flessner kflessner@pasen.gov