Law Enforcement Infrastructure Enhancement Grant funds will support safer communities.
GREENSBURG – Senate President Pro Tempore Kim Ward (R-39) today announced more than $1 million in American Rescue Plan funds to support local law enforcement efforts to help keep Westmoreland County communities safe through the Westmoreland County District Attorney’s Office Law Enforcement Infrastructure Enhancement Grant.
“These funds are a perfect example of how state and local government should be working together to make our communities safe and even greater place to live,” said Senate President Pro Tempore Kim Ward. “The more than $1 million announced today will be invested in local communities throughout Westmoreland County by supporting law enforcement and victim needs through funding equipment and infrastructure projects.”
The Westmoreland County District Attorney’s Office manages the Law Enforcement Infrastructure Enhancement Grant. These funds will aid in helping to make the local Westmoreland County communities safe by supporting the Crimewatch program through 2026, creating a fusion center, and funding equipment and infrastructure needs to support law enforcement officers and victims.
“The District Attorney’s Office is incredibly grateful for the support and cooperation from Senate President Pro Tempore Kim Ward given her investment into the community,” District Attorney Nicole W. Ziccarelli said. “Public safety has and always will be a priority for this office, and we intend to continue building on the strong foundation of our well-established law enforcement in Westmoreland County. The people we serve will only benefit from these infrastructure upgrades as we continue to make Westmoreland County the safest place to live and work in the Commonwealth.”
Funding assistance for these projects is a matter of public safety, crime prevention, and the prosecution of crime in Westmoreland County.
Contact: Erica Clayton Wright, ewright@pasen.gov, 412-334-4856 (Sen. Kim Ward)
Melanie Jones, Mjones@co.westmoreland.pa.us, 724-216-2120 (DA Nicole Ziccarelli)