Ward, Rossi Announce $9 Million in Funding for Critical Wastewater Infrastructure Projects in Westmoreland County

WESTMORLAND – Sen. Kim Ward (R-39 and Rep. Leslie Rossi (R-59th) announced the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) has approved nearly $9 million in low-interest loans and grants for a vital wastewater infrastructure improvement project in Westmoreland County.

“These investments represent a commitment to ensuring our communities have the reliable infrastructure they need for a safe and sustainable future,” said Senate President Pro Tempore Ward. “PENNVEST funding helps make these essential projects possible while providing financial relief for our residents.”

The Donegal Twp. Board of Supervisors will receive nearly $9 million in PENNVEST funding to construct a sanitary sewer collection and treatment system to serve an area along Route 31 in Donegal Township. The funds for this project will directly benefit residential customers, a majority of who fall below the median household income level for the state, by helping to establish a wastewater system to meet compliance standards set by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.

This wastewater project will replace aging pumps, controls and piping, repair the degraded wet well, and install a new generator to ensure reliable operation. A bypass connection will also be added to facilitate continuous pumping in case of a catastrophic failure.

“This critical investment in the Donegal Sewer System will not only strengthen the infrastructure for today’s residents but also set the foundation for sustainable growth in the community for years to come,” said Rep. Rossi. “By securing this funding, we are improving public health, safeguarding our environment and reinforcing the commitment to reliable, modernized utilities that benefit both the local community and the state as a whole.”

The total project cost is $10.8 million. The project is mostly funded through PENNVEST in the form of a $7,071,769 grant and $1,839,595 low interest loan. Additional funds from the H20 PA-Water Supply, Sanitary Sewer and Storm Water Projects Program, Local Share Account, and the Westmoreland County American Rescue Plan Act COVID fund will round out the funds to complete the project.

PENNVEST is an independent state agency that provides financial assistance for sewer, storm water and drinking water projects in communities across the commonwealth.


Erica Clayton Wright (Ward): 412-334-4856
Rick Leiner (Rossi): 717-260-6437

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