News Releases

Senate President Pro Tempore Addresses SEPTA Funding in Pennsylvania
November 22, 2024

Senate President Pro Tempore Addresses SEPTA Funding in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Senate President Pro Tempore Kim Ward issued the following statement today on the status of mass transit in southeast Pennsylvania:  [Read More]

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November 13, 2024

Senate Republicans Re-Elect Leadership Team for 2025-26 Legislative Session

Senate Republicans re-elected their entire leadership team today to continue serving in the 2025-26 legislative session.  [Read More]

Pennsylvania Voters Return Republican Majority to State Senate
November 12, 2024

Pennsylvania Voters Return Republican Majority to State Senate

Pennsylvania voters returned a Republican majority to the state Senate in the recent General Election, re-electing all Republican incumbents and sending new Republican senators to Harrisburg.  [Read More]

Senate Leaders: Legislative Responsibility Must Be Preserved
October 8, 2024

Senate Leaders: Legislative Responsibility Must Be Preserved

A resolution to ensure transparency and uphold the balance of power between legislative branches of government was adopted by the Pennsylvania Senate today, according to Senate President Pro Tempore Kim Ward (R-39) and Senate Majority Leader Joe Pittman (R-41).  [Read More]

RGGI Electricity Tax Repeal Approved by Senate
September 17, 2024

RGGI Electricity Tax Repeal Approved by Senate

The Pennsylvania Senate approved legislation today to repeal the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) carbon tax enacted through executive order by the Wolf Administration in 2019, according to Senate President Pro Tempore Kim Ward (R-39), Senate Majority Leader Joe Pittman (R-41), Senate Appropriations Committee Chair Scott Martin (R-13) and Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee Chair Gene Yaw (R-23).  [Read More]

Senate President Pro Tempore Kim Ward on the 23rd Anniversary of the September 11th Terrorist Attacks on the United States of America
September 10, 2024

Senate President Pro Tempore Kim Ward on the 23rd Anniversary of the September 11th Terrorist Attacks on the United States of America

Today, Senate President Pro Tempore Kim Ward (R-39) issued the following statement on the 23rd Anniversary of September 11th terrorist attacks on the United States of America:  [Read More]

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