Senate Republican Leaders Announce Resolution Supporting Efforts to Fight Illegal Immigration
January 31, 2024

Senate Republican Leaders Announce Resolution Supporting Efforts to Fight Illegal Immigration

Just days after issuing a statement in support of Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s efforts to secure the southern border, Senate Republican leaders today announced a resolution that calls on President Biden and other federal officials to take meaningful action to protect American citizens against the negative impacts of illegal immigration.  [Read More]

Senate President Pro Tempore Kim Ward on the Acquisition of U.S. Steel
December 18, 2023

Senate President Pro Tempore Kim Ward on the Acquisition of U.S. Steel

Following the announcement of U.S. Steel to be acquired by Nippon Steel Corporation, Senate President Pro Tempore Kim Ward (R-Westmoreland) issued the following statement:  [Read More]

Senate President Pro Tempore Kim Ward Statement Shapiro’s RGGI Appeal Demonstrates Lack of Leadership
November 21, 2023

Senate President Pro Tempore Kim Ward Statement Shapiro’s RGGI Appeal Demonstrates Lack of Leadership

Today, Senate President Pro Tempore Kim Ward (R-Westmoreland) issued the following statement regarding Gov. Josh Shapiro’s decision to appeal the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that the Commonwealth’s entrance into the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) without legislative approval violates the Pennsylvania constitution.  [Read More]

Senate Republican Leaders Applaud Significant Transfer to Rainy Day Fund
November 3, 2023

Senate Republican Leaders Applaud Significant Transfer to Rainy Day Fund

Senate President Pro Tempore Kim Ward (R-39), Senate Majority Leader Joe Pittman (R-41) and Senate Appropriations Chair Scott Martin (R-13) applauded the transfer of nearly $900 million to the state’s Rainy Day Fund today that will help strengthen Pennsylvania’s financial position in the years ahead.  [Read More]

Commonwealth Court Invalidates RGGI Energy Tax
November 1, 2023

Commonwealth Court Invalidates RGGI Energy Tax

Today, Senate President Pro Tempore Kim Ward (R-Westmoreland) issued the following statement regarding the Commonwealth Court’s decision invalidating the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) energy tax in Pennsylvania:  [Read More]

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October 24, 2023

Bartolotta, Ward, Pittman, Robinson and Yaw Highlight Benefits of Hydrogen Hubs

Sen. Camera Bartolotta (R-46), President Pro Tempore Kim Ward (R-39), Majority Leader Joe Pittman (R-41), Sen. Devlin Robinson (R-37) and Sen. Gene Yaw (R-23) discussed what the future hydrogen economy means for jobs, energy and the environment following a recent federal decision to award funding to two hubs benefitting Pennsylvania.  [Read More]

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October 16, 2023

Introducing Chief Thomas Bell of the Greensburg Volunteer Fire Department to the Senate

Introducing Chief Thomas Bell of the Greensburg Volunteer Fire Department to the Senate  [Read More]

Senate President Pro Tempore Kim Ward on Sexual Harassment Allegations Against Gov. Shapiro’s Office
October 2, 2023

Senate President Pro Tempore Kim Ward on Sexual Harassment Allegations Against Gov. Shapiro’s Office

Today, Senate President Pro Tempore Kim Ward (R-Westmoreland) issued the following statement regarding sexual harassment allegations against Gov. Shapiro’s Office:  [Read More]

Sen. Kim Ward Announces More Than $1 Million in Law Enforcement Funds  for Westmoreland County
September 28, 2023

Sen. Kim Ward Announces More Than $1 Million in Law Enforcement Funds for Westmoreland County

Senate President Pro Tempore Kim Ward (R-39) today announced more than $1 million in American Rescue Plan funds to support local law enforcement efforts to help keep Westmoreland County communities safe through the Westmoreland County District Attorney’s Office Law Enforcement Infrastructure Enhancement Grant.  [Read More]

Senate Votes to Streamline and Increase School Safety Measures
September 20, 2023

Senate Votes to Streamline and Increase School Safety Measures

The Senate has unanimously passed House Bill 27 to implement several key provisions to consolidate and streamline Pennsylvania’s school safety programs and ensure greater coordination in keeping children safe, according to Senate President Pro Tempore Kim Ward (R-39), Senate Majority Leader Joe Pittman (R-41), Senate Appropriations Committee Chair Scott Martin (R-13) and Senate Education Committee Chair David Argall (R-29).  [Read More]

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